Pesan Rasulullah untuk kaum lelaki:
“Jangan kamu kahwini wanita yang ada enam sifat ini, yang ananah, yang mananah, yang hananah, yang hadaqah, yang basaqah dan yang syadaqah”.
What if,
i will be the person with this trait?
If i'm Al -Anaanah:
Never feel enough with everything...
Because this world is all about money...
How will you handling this situation...?
If i'm Al-Manaanah:
Love to say bad things about you..
Because my mouth wont be seal...
How will you handling this situation..?
If i'm Al -Hunaana:
Always compare you with others..
Because others seem too much better than you...
How will you handling this situation...?
If i'm Al- Hudaaqah:
Always give threat to you..
Because i will feel unsecured...
How will you handling this situation...?
If i'm Al -Hulaaqa:
Alway busy with my own life...
Because i have my own job...
How will you handling this situation..?
If i'm As-Salaaqah:
Always gossiping...
Because it is my nature...
How will you handling this situation..?
If i have all this trait..
Can you take it....?
To have all the burden...
To have all the pain...
To have all the siñs...
Will you?